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The following articles deal with timely topics associated with public records and public record searching. They are formatted in a manner so you can easily print and read.

New Jersey Criminal Records... An Inconvenient Truth

A Checklist To Use Before You Place An Order With a Record Retriever

Facts About State Criminal Record Repositories... And Why County Criminal Record Searches are Needed
The statistics shown in this 2-page article are taken from BRB Publication�s Public Record Research System and from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 2008 and 2006.

"National" Criminal History Databases
Les Rosen and Carl R. Ernst explain how criminal record databases are created and maintained and when you can use them to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Fair Credit Reporting
Author Carl R. Ernst analyzes the amended Fair Credit Reporting Act with the goal of explaining its practical implications for the day-to-day business activities of private investigators, public record retrievers, and others who access public records to help their clients make business decisions.

Pre-Employment Background Screening and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Author Les Rosen covers the complicated FCRA compliance issues that background screening companies face when performing their services for employers.

The Trouble With PI Licensing Statutes
Carl R. Ernst examines an ongoing controversy-when a public record retriever is forced to or should obtain a Private Investigator's License.