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Georgia Public Records

Georgia Public Records

What You Won't Find Available in Georgia Public Records

Since the country enacted the Freedom of Information Act, most individual, business, and government documents have been made public upon request. Those living in Georgia will find that Georgia public records contain a tremendous amount of information, both on individuals and corporations, so anyone looking to access data on a particular person or business will often find the information they need.

Yet Georgia public records do not contain all of the state's information. Here are a few of the more interesting pieces of information that will not be found within these public records:

  • Rare Species Information - In an effort to protect endangered wildlife, Georgia has banned information on rare animal species and their habitats. This is to prevent poachers or hunters from taking advantage of this information to damage the species further.
  • Alarm Systems - Governments and businesses often collect data on the alarm systems in homes and offices. Luckily, Georgia public records exclude this information from being made available, since it would jeopardize the public safety.
  • Medical Records -The Georgia government may also exclude any information that relates to specific medical histories, as this would be a breach of public privacy. Interestingly, veterinary records are also excluded, so your pet's information is also kept safe.
  • Georgia public records contain a considerable amount of information, but not all information is included. If you would like to receive information that may not be made public, you should contact the government body in charge of that information directly.

    Georgia Birth Records

    There are a number of reasons one might need to obtain a Georgia birth record. Regardless of the reason you need it, if you have a legal right to the certificate, the process of obtaining the record is fairly easty.To obtain a Georgia birth record, you must get it from the County in which the birth occurred. Each County has a vital records office, making it easy to obtain a copy of the birth record you desire. Georgia started keeping birth records in the year 1919. Any births before this date were not required to be recorded. Georgia birth records can be used for identity purposes, for genealogy research purposes or as is most often the case, to enroll a child in school.

    Georgia Death Records

    Georgia death records have been filed on the State level from the year 1919 to the present. Unlike many other States, Georgia death records are considered public information and can be obtained from anybody for any reason. You will still need to fill out an application, and some information (such as cause of death) may be omitted from the death record.

    Georgia also keeps a ‘virtual vault’ online where users can search a database of Georgia death records from 1919 through 1927. In some Counties, you can search as far back as 1914. The virtual vault is free to use and quite simple; you can search by name, county of death or year of death.

    To obtain a Georgia death record from the State, you may mail the main office with your application, visit one of the many offices across the State in person or request a copy online through a third party site that they use. At this time Georgia does not accept requests by phone or email.