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Duval County, FL Public Records

Circuit Court - Criminal Division
501 W Adams St
Official Records & Research
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Hours: 8AM-5PM EST
P: 904-255-2000
Jurisdiction: Felony
Restricted Records: No juvenile, child abuse or sexual battery records released
Direct search requests to the Official Records & Research. Separate search fee for each court, and for each division.
Circuit Court - Civil Division
501 W Adams St
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Hours: 8AM-5PM EST
P: 904-255-2000
Jurisdiction: Civil Actions over $15,000, Probate, Family
Restricted Records: No juvenile, child abuse or sexual battery records released
Direct search requests to the Official Records & Research. Separate search fee for each court, and for each division.
County Court - Criminal Division
501 W Adams St
Attn: Copy Center
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Hours: 8AM-5PM EST
P: 904-255-1873, 904-255-2300
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
Restricted Records: No juvenile, child abuse or sexual battery records released
Direct search requests to the Official Records & Research. Separate search fee for each court, and for each division.
County Court - Civil Division
501 W Adams St
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Hours: 8AM-5PM EST
P: 904-630-2045
Jurisdiction: Civil Actions under $15,000, Eviction, Small Claims
Restricted Records: No juvenile, child abuse or sexual battery records released
Direct search requests to the Official Records & Research. Separate search fee for each court, and for each division.

Duval County, FL Vital Records

Contact the Duval County Office of the County Clerk of the Circuit Court if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Duval County
County Clerk of the Circuit Court
1543 Atlantic Blvd
Tradewinds Plaza
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
8AM-4:30PM EST
Phone: 904-255-2000
Recorded Documents

Duval County Vital Certificates

Duval County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Duval County Information

The beach is the calling! Duval County, Florida is home to some amazing beaches and ocean views. It is also home to the city of Jacksonville. This city is filled with numerous festivals and activities that occur almost weekly. April is filled with sound of music brought by the annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival. This is the country's second largest jazz festival. Also in April is the Springing the Blues festival, which is a free, outdoor festival. July brings fireworks and fishing to the city. The Freedom, Fanfare, and Fireworks celebration is the city's Fourth of July festival and one of the country's largest firework displays.

July also brings in big crowds for the AT&T Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament. This tournament originated almost twenty years ago and gives away $500,000 in prize money. The tournament is limited to one thousand participants, but it is the largest Kingfish tournament in the United States.

If you want to get outside and learn some history at the same time, be sure to visit the Timucuan Ecological Historic National Preserve. The Preserve also encompasses Fort Caroline and Kingsley Plantation. Be sure to go by the visitor center to experience the "Where the Waters Meet" exhibit and to gain more information about this fascinating and expansive Preserve area. While the beach is always a great destination, do not underestimate all the rest of the activities that Duval County has to offer.

Duval County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 773.67 sq mi
Population (2009): 857,040
  • Females: 51.6%
  • White: 64%
  • Black/African American: 30%
  • Asian: 3.6%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 6.5%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 58.7%
Population Change (2000-2009): 78,174
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 5.9%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 9.5%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 12.1%
High School Graduates (2000): 82.7%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 21.9%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.51
Housing Units (2000): 329,778
Homeownership Rate (2000): 63.1%
Migration Flow to Duval County, FL from (2007-2008):

Duval County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $31,371,664
  • Construction: $2,349,577
  • Retail Trade: $2,024,075
  • Professional and Technical Services: $2,639,786
  • Healthcare: $3,195,910
  • Banking: $3,754,106
  • Retail Trade: $2,024,075
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $761,873
  • Manufacturing: $1,835,969
  • Farms: $9,741
  • Government: $5,492,500
Employed (2000): 367,065
Unemployed (2000): 19,176
Unemployment Rate (2009): 10.6%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $38,462
Local Government Employment (2007): 28,803
Local Government Revenue (2007): $2,272,762 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $7,217,635 (thou. dol.)

Duval County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 13,788
  • Per 1,000 population: 16.2
Deaths (2007): 7,190
  • Per 1,000 population: 8.5
Infant Deaths (2007): 125
  • Per 1,000 population: 9.1

Duval County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 8,388
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 116
  • Forcible rape: 276
  • Robbery: 3,061
  • Aggravated Assault: 4,935
Property Crimes (2008): 49,853
  • Burglary: 12,682
  • Larceny-Theft: 32,922
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 4,249

Duval County Genealogy Records