Sedgwick County, KS Public Records
P: 316-660-5800
F: 316-941-5361
Restricted Records: No juvenile, adoption, mental health, sealed or expunged records released
P: 316-444-2351, 316-444-2423
F: 316-444-2322
Andale, KS 67001
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
7651 E Central Park Ave
Bel Aire, KS 67226
P: 316-744-2451 ext. 134, 316-744-6000
F: 316-744-3739
P: 316-796-1799
F: 316-796-1711
Bentley, KS 67016
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
P: 316-542-3622
F: 316-542-0185
P: 620-584-2317
F: 620-584-3118
Court is held 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m.
310 S 2nd St
Administrative Center
Colwich, KS 67030
P: 316-796-1025
F: 316-796-0913
Court held 1st Monday of each month at 3:30PM.
P: 316-788-1511
F: 316-788-3706
P: 316-682-4111
F: 316-682-4193
PO Box 336
Garden Plain, KS 67050
P: 316-531-2321
F: 316-535-2207
Garden Plain, KS 67050
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
Court is at 507 N Main.
P: 316-794-2441
F: 316-794-2401
Goddard, KS 67052
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
The City of Goddard Municipal Court meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
200 W Grand Ave
Police Dept & Court Svcs Bldg
Haysville, KS 67060
P: 316-529-5920
F: 316-529-5921
P: 316-744-6611
F: 316-201-6962
Kechi, KS 67067
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
Contact email for the police is
P: 316-722-8736
F: 316-425-3380
Maize, KS 67101
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
The City of Maize Municipal Court meets the first four Wednesdays of each month at 4PM.
P: 316-661-2211
F: 316-661-2212
Mount Hope, KS 67108
Jurisdiction: Ordinances, Traffic
Court is held on the 1st Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise noted due to hollidays).
121 S Meridian
Valley Center, KS 67147
P: 316-755-7310 ext. 112
F: 316-755-7319
455 N Main, 2nd Fl
City Hall
Wichita, KS 67202
P: 316-268-4611
F: 316-268-4249
P: 316-744-6417
F: 316-744-3865
Court sessions are Thursdays at 6:30PM.
Sedgwick County, KS Vital Records
Contact the Sedgwick County Office of the County Register of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.
County Register of Deeds
525 N Main, Rm 227
Wichita, KS 67203
Fax: 316-383-8066
Recorded Documents
Sedgwick County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.
Get a vital certificate.

Additional Resources
KS - Sedgwick County - Property Tax and Ownership
KS - Sedgwick County - Recorded Documents
KS - Sedgwick County - Property Tax and Ownership, GIS/Mapping
State Public RecordsAdjoining Counties
Butler County, KSCowley County, KS
Harvey County, KS
Kingman County, KS
Reno County, KS
Sumner County, KS
Did you mean?
Sedgwick County, COSedgwick County Population Records
- Females: 50.5%
- White: 82.9%
- Black/African American: 9.6%
- Asian: 4%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- Hispanic or Latino Origin: 11.1%
- White, Not Hispanic: 72.8%
- Butler County, KS: 1,630
- Sumner County, KS: 588
- Harvey County, KS: 516
- Reno County, KS: 515
- Johnson County, KS: 459
- Cowley County, KS: 404
Sedgwick County Records
- Total: $16,506,931
- Construction: $750,496
- Retail Trade: $965,731
- Professional and Technical Services: $687,782
- Healthcare: $1,647,927
- Banking: $445,050
- Retail Trade: $965,731
- Accommodations and Food Services: $429,632
- Manufacturing: $5,777,681
- Farms: $-6,488
- Government: $1,894,225
Sedgwick County Birth, Death Records
- Per 1,000 population: 17.4
- Per 1,000 population: 8.2
- Per 1,000 population: 9.2
Sedgwick County Criminal Records
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 30
- Forcible rape: 308
- Robbery: 493
- Aggravated Assault: 2,465
- Burglary: 4,477
- Larceny-Theft: 15,771
- Motor Vehicle Theft: 1,987
Sedgwick County Genealogy Records
- - Search for genealogy records for your town in Sedgwick County
- Linkpendium Sedgwick County Genealogy Records
- - Search for Sedgwick County public records by town, record type, and/or state.
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