Union County, NJ Public Records
425 E Broad St
Municipal Bldg
Westfield, NJ 07090 https://www.westfieldnj.gov/index.asp
P: 908-789-4060
F: 908-654-1520
P: 908-925-3937
If you have issues trying to reach the court, call the Police Dept at 908-925-3852.
2 Broad St
Tower Bldg 7th F
Elizabeth, NJ 07207 https://www.njcourts.gov/courts/vicin
P: 908-787-1650 ext. 21250
Restricted Records: No sealed, expunged, dismissed, judges notes, PSI's, warrants, or discovery packets records released
P: 908-787-1650 ext. 21490
F: 908-659-4822
Restricted Records: No sealed, expunged, dismissed, judges notes, PSI's, or discovery packets records released
2 Broad St
Main Courthouse, 3rd Fl Rear
Elizabeth, NJ 07207 https://www.njcourts.gov/courts/vicin
P: 907-787-1650 ext. 21490
Restricted Records: No adoption, sealed, juvenile, expunged, dismissed, or mental illness records released
2 Broad St
Old Annex, Courthouse, 2nd Fl
Elizabeth, NJ 07207 http://ucnj.org/surrogate/
P: 908-527-4270, 908-527-4280
F: 908-351-9212
360 Elkwood Ave
New Providence , NJ 07974 https://www.berkeleyheightstwpnj.gov/
P: 908-743-1055
F: 908-464-3435
210 Chestnut St
Roselle, NJ 07203 http://www.boroughofroselle.com/Depar
P: 908-259-3040
F: 908-245-3366
P: 732-381-5395
F: 732-381-9630
208 Commerce Pl, 2nd Fl
Elizabeth, NJ 07201 https://www.njcourts.gov/courts/mcs.h
P: 908-558-6800
F: 908-558-1503
Non Traffic phone #: 908-355-7580.
75 N Martine Ave
Borough Hall
Fanwood, NJ 07023 https://www.fanwoodnj.org/government/
P: 908-322-6750
F: 908-322-1378
P: 908-789-0780
F: 908-789-6414
P: 973-926-1881
F: 973-926-2240
567 Boulevard
Kenilworth, NJ 07033 http://www.kenilworthnj.com/court/cou
P: 908-276-1104
F: 908-276-1597
P: 908-474-8423
F: 908-474-8619
1385 US Hwy 22 E
Mountainside, NJ 07092 http://www.mountainside-nj.com/dept/2
P: 908-232-5335
F: 908-233-6412
360 Elkwood Ave
New Providence , NJ 07974 https://www.berkeleyheightstwpnj.gov/
P: 908-665-1454
F: 908-464-3435
Effective August 12, 2010 the Berkeley Heights Municipal Court and the New Providence Municipal Court are sharing a court at the above address. Effective 12/1/17 Summit Municipal Court has joined the shared court of New Providence & Berkeley Heights.
325 Watchung Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07061 http://plainfieldnj.gov/cms.aspx?page
P: 908-753-3064
F: 908-753-3030
P: 732-827-2039
F: 732-381-9879
110 E Westfield Ave
Roselle Park, NJ 07204 http://rosellepark.net/court/
P: 908-241-4631
F: 908-241-5719
Court is held every Thursday starting at 9:00 a.m. Violation Bureau hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
430 Park Ave
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 https://www.scotchplainsnj.gov/depart
P: 908-322-6700 ext. 215/6
F: 908-322-0680
100 Mountain Ave
Municipal Bldg
Springfield, NJ 07081 https://springfield-nj.us/departments
P: 973-912-2213
F: 973-912-2287
360 Elkwood Ave
New Providence, NJ 07974 https://www.cityofsummit.org/191/Cour
F: 908-464-3435
Effective 12/1/2017 Summit Municipal Court has joined the shared court of New Providence and Berkeley Heights in New Providence, NJ at above address. See New Providence Municipal Court.
1981 Caldwell Ave
Union, NJ 07083 https://www.uniontownship.com/169/Mun
P: 908-851-5400
Union County, NJ Vital Records
Contact the Union County Office of the County Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.
County Clerk
2 Broad St, Rm 115
Elizabeth, NJ 07207 http://ucnj.org/county-clerk/
8:30AM-4:30PM EST
Fax: 908-558-2589
Recorded Documents, Judgment Liens
Union County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.
Get a vital certificate.

Additional Resources
NJ - Union County - Recorded Land Documents
NJ - Union County - Superior Court Criminal Docket Index
NJ - Union County - Superior Court Civil Docket Index
NJ - Union County - Judgment Lien Search
State Public RecordsAdjoining Counties
Essex County, NJHudson County, NJ
Middlesex County, NJ
Morris County, NJ
Somerset County, NJ
Richmond County, NY
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Union County, ARUnion County, FL
Union County, GA
Union County, IA
Union County, IL
Union County, IN
Union County, KY
Union Parish, LA
Union County, MS
Union County, NC
Union County, NM
Union County, OH
Union County, OR
Union County, PA
Union County, SC
Union County, SD
Union County, TN
Union County Population Records
- Females: 51.1%
- White: 70.9%
- Black/African American: 22.6%
- Asian: 4.6%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- Hispanic or Latino Origin: 26.3%
- White, Not Hispanic: 46.9%
- Essex County, NJ: 5,916
- Middlesex County, NJ: 2,815
- Hudson County, NJ: 2,258
- Somerset County, NJ: 1,365
- Morris County, NJ: 712
- New York County, NY: 698
Union County Records
- Total: $20,011,619
- Construction: $1,242,386
- Retail Trade: $1,209,798
- Professional and Technical Services: $2,451,767
- Healthcare: $1,760,681
- Banking: $1,301,698
- Retail Trade: $1,209,798
- Accommodations and Food Services: $299,867
- Manufacturing: $4,294,992
- Farms: $2,814
- Government: $2,301,463
Union County Birth, Death Records
- Per 1,000 population: 14.7
- Per 1,000 population: 7.8
- Per 1,000 population: 5.9
Union County Criminal Records
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 22
- Forcible rape: 73
- Robbery: 1,361
- Aggravated Assault: 829
- Burglary: 2,672
- Larceny-Theft: 9,641
- Motor Vehicle Theft: 2,135
Union County Genealogy Records
- USGenWeb.org
- Rootsweb.org - Search for genealogy records for your town in Union County
- Linkpendium Union County Genealogy Records
- OnlineSearches.com - Search for Union County public records by town, record type, and/or state.
Link To Us!
If you would like to use this page as a resource for your county, city, state, library, or other page, please link to us! Simply copy and paste the following into your source code:
<a href="https://www.brbpub.com/new-jersey/union/">Union Public Records</a>