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Monroe County, NY Public Records

County Clerk
39 W Main St, #101
101 County Office Bldg
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 9AM-5PM; 9AM-N last Sat of month EST
P: 585-753-1600
F: 585-753-1624
Jurisdiction: Felony, Civil
Restricted Records: No sealed, divorce records, confidential files released
The County Clerk is the Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts and is responsible for maintaining the court files for civil and criminal matters. Countywide search requests made to the County Clerk are processed in the manner described below.
Supreme - Current Case Files Only
99 Exchange Blvd
Hall of Justice
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 9AM-5PM EST
P: 585-371-3758
F: 585-371-3780
Jurisdiction: Civil
This court does not hold closed civil case records; they are held by the County Clerk's office. See that listing for a countywide search. Also see the OCA for certain statewide searches.
County Court - Current Case Files Only
99 Exchange Blvd
Hall of Justice
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 9AM-5PM EST
P: 585-371-3758
F: 585-371-3780
Jurisdiction: Felony, Civil under $25,000
This court does not hold closed case records; they are held by the County Clerk's office. See that listing for record searching procedures. Also see the OCA for certain statewide searches.
Rochester City Court - Civil
99 Exchange Blvd, Rm 6
Hall of Justice
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 9AM-5PM EST
P: 585-371-3412
F: 585-371-3427
Jurisdiction: Civil Actions under $15,000, Eviction, Small Claims
Rochester City Court - Criminal
150 S Plymouth, Rm 123
Public Safety Bldg
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 8:30AM-5PM EST
P: 585-371-3413
F: 585-371-3430
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
Restricted Records: No sealed, expunged, probation reports, adoption, sex offense, juvenile or mental health records released
Surrogate's Court
99 Exchange Blvd
Hall of Justice, Rm 541
Rochester, NY 14614
Hours: 9AM-5PM EST
P: 585-371-3310
F: 585-371-3313
Jurisdiction: Probate
A county search of the probate court index by mail for 25-year and under search is $30.00 fee. A county probate search for over 25 year and over search is $90.00.

Monroe County, NY Vital Records

Contact the Monroe County Office of the County Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Monroe County
County Clerk
39 W Main St, Rm 101
101 County Office Bldg
Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: 585-753-1600
Fax: 585-753-1650
Recorded Documents

Monroe County Vital Certificates

Monroe County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Monroe County Information

Monroe County, New York was founded in 1821; Rochester is its county seat. The 3rd largest urban area in the State of New York, the county is located in the Finger Lakes Region on the shores of Lake Ontario. As the name implies, the area has a number of amazing lakes and waterfalls that will take your breath away. Because it has a little of everything to offer all year round—such as shopping, museums, lodging, and outdoor activities—this is definitely a vacation destination.

If you're looking for the perfect way to have a relaxing day out with friends, make a reservation at one of the many spas the area has to offer—this would be a great treat for a bride-to-be or new mother. For some incredible photography opportunities, visit Letchworth State Park to see the "Grand Canyon of the East." The hiking trails are among the most scenic in the country, so take a lunch and just spend the day communing with nature.

Monroe County has many fine wineries to its credit—over 100 in fact. These merchants offer wine tastings and tours of their facilities and their showrooms present an amazing variety of wines to take home. If you want to take it up a notch, sign up for a class at the New York Wine and Culinary Center—then you can experience some hands-on learning while using the excellent New York wines in your creations.

Shopping in the county offers access to some of the biggest names in retail such as Macy's and Lord & Taylor. It also has its fair share of local artisans offering their wares in small boutiques and shops in the area. Monroe County is a one-stop vacation destination, and they are waiting for you.

Monroe County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 659.29 sq mi
Population (2009): 733,703
  • Females: 51.4%
  • White: 80.4%
  • Black/African American: 14.8%
  • Asian: 2.8%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 6.2%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 75.3%
Population Change (2000-2009): -1,640
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 7.3%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 12.1%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 13.1%
High School Graduates (2000): 84.9%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 31.2%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.47
Housing Units (2000): 304,388
Homeownership Rate (2000): 65.1%
Migration Flow to Monroe County, NY from (2007-2008):

Monroe County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $23,705,156
  • Construction: $1,015,880
  • Retail Trade: $1,232,177
  • Professional and Technical Services: $2,009,065
  • Healthcare: $2,733,490
  • Banking: $1,126,393
  • Retail Trade: $1,232,177
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $470,199
  • Manufacturing: $5,304,211
  • Farms: $12,494
  • Government: $2,948,596
Employed (2000): 351,605
Unemployed (2000): 22,543
Unemployment Rate (2009): 7.8%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $39,314
Local Government Employment (2007): 40,099
Local Government Revenue (2007): $3,103,377 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $2,216,510 (thou. dol.)

Monroe County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 8,694
  • Per 1,000 population: 11.9
Deaths (2007): 6,196
  • Per 1,000 population: 8.5
Infant Deaths (2007): 60
  • Per 1,000 population: 6.9

Monroe County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 2,917
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 47
  • Forcible rape: 148
  • Robbery: 1,254
  • Aggravated Assault: 1,468
Property Crimes (2008): 21,970
  • Burglary: 4,368
  • Larceny-Theft: 15,904
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 1,698

Monroe County Genealogy Records